Contact us

*By providing your phone number via paper/digital intake forms and/or website submissions, you consent to receive calls and text messages regarding appointments, marketing, and other information. No purchase is required. Message and data rates may apply.

Elevated Aesthetics MedSpa will send approximately 4 texts a month (maximum) offering special discounts and text-only deals. You may opt out at any time by replying STOP to the text message.

(559) 258-5373

Phone Number (Text or Call)


Monday 5pm-7pm

Friday 9am-7pm

Saturday 10am-5pm
Sunday 10am-5pm
*Please Book Online & complete Paperwork Prior to Appointment



in North Fresno

1111 E. Champlain Dr.

Fresno, CA. 93720

(Inside Flex Factory Nutrition & Wellness)

*Mobile Services Available